Monday, January 31, 2011

Mag 51


  1. Thanks, Eco! It's a great old brick road off High Street in Columbus, Ohio.

  2. I tried something a little different here, Tess. Hope you don't mind.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  3. I once again took some liberties.

    Love the photo. : )

  4. Interesting piece... could go down many a road with this one... we'll see where the juices take us...

  5. Lovely picture. My poem shall be up tomorrow morning at Workd of the Day.

  6. Great picture. Haven't been here for a while, glad to be back. :-)

  7. I read so many posts with a link to magpie tales...thought I'll try my hand....loved the shot...

  8. Wonderful shot, amazingly inspiring. I can rarely make it to the time limit! But it's always great when I can.

    Scroll down Portuguese to find the English version.


    Great Tuesday everyone.

  9. A different sort of take on old brick road I suppose but one must follow her muse.

  10. Thank you for the prompt !
    trying to keep spirits up given the snow
    storms piling up on our doorstep-

  11. I watched the news, then saw your prompt. The rest just happened.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. This one seemed be lurking in my mind..thanks!!

  14. struggled with this one...but didnt hit a brick wall ha hahah
    Good prompt to get the brain going.

  15. There are some roads I wish I travelled...

    Fred Eaglesmith

  16. willing to give it a try! goes...

  17. Don't be fooled by the name change - a dark story emerges this week.

  18. Took me ages to think of something and then I did.

  19. Short and sweet this week ...

    Happy Magging Everyone!

  20. Follow the yellow (red) brick road....

  21. I loved where this road took me today...thanks!

  22. The yellow brick road came to mind with this one, thanks, Willow.

  23. Great prompt! My mind really took off on this one!

  24. This one just flowed for me. It conjured up so many feelings it was amazing.

  25. now my mind will be wondering whenever i see bricks... which is everywhere :)

  26. I am throwing caution to the wind today. . . .


  27. Was going to have this week's read by William Shatner, but changed my mind.

  28. The image is blue ribbon conjuring,
    for I love macro texture shots, wood,
    brick, rocks, pebbles, stamen, pistol,
    brass, wrought iron, chrome--as you
    do it seems.

    Negotiation, diplomacy, can't we just
    get along, accommodation, with love
    as the common denominator only
    peel the first layer of poetic epidermis
    off your poem, your thoughts, your symbols.
    With Cairo in the news and on our minds,
    revolution, war, anarchy, freedom fighters,
    raised fists, beat downs, and somehow
    it led me to thinking green, to the real
    issue in terms of our natures, that maybe
    once before Babel, we all spoke the same
    language; but no more.

  29. I made it on time this round. Beautiful picture!

  30. Ours is now posted. At first the Junk Thief editorial team felt stumped on this one and felt we couldn't rise to the challenge. Then it hit us like a ton of...magpies.

  31. follow the brick road....see where it leads! Thanks Magpie :)

  32. Not an original this week! But I hope it makes you smile.

  33. Skipping down the cobblestone...even with all this snow; it's kinda nice! Cant wait to read all these gems! Take care in this storm, great time to cuddle with a cocoa and read the jewels!

  34. Dear Tess o' Willow: I am not sure what happened: I waited and waited and my didnt cache so I tried again and now I have two of the same..I had problem today with a delete story, it just went "poof" so i had to rewrite the whole enchillada! And I dont know how this to remove one of the posts? Sorry...about this...

  35. I really like the idea of this place!

  36. Hi all,
    Today's magpie is the continuation of "The Rose Garden" from last summer. I hope you enjoy. I included a link to the first part.

  37. Oh, I loved this prompt. This image WORKED me! LOL. LOVE IT!

  38. Thanks willow, enjoyed this magpie!

  39. Took me straight back to being a kid again! Looking forward to some (as always) incredible entries! Cheers Willow!

  40. This is wonderful! Brings back memories when i learned to replace my brick patio when my main sewer line broke...what an adventure!

    This challenge took me on a philosophical journey...thank you again for this fabulous exercise! I look forward to it every week...

  41. Okay, I posted a second one. I'm always most productive on the new moon.

  42. Edging closer to the Magpie Tales prompt this week!

  43. There is a rumor that Coal Black is a fictional character I invented in one of my narrative poems at Word Garden. The rumor is true. ;-)

  44. Great photo prompt :) Thanks, Tess!

  45. Nice prompt.Enjoyed very much...

  46. Haven't tried this for a while. It was fun.

  47. I thought of how hard it is to walk in heels.

  48. very nice photo
    ..I'll do my best
    I'm working on half brain lately

  49. Loved this textured image... I wonder if I've done it justice though...

    Off to read what others had to say... :)

  50. Got there, finally. Got something up.

  51. Well, there it is. Took longer than I expected - but alas - it is finished enough for my blog. The first link is incorrect - still leads to my blog but not the correct day/entry. follow the second entry for magpie #51

  52. After lingering on this blog for months (creepy, I know), I've made my first attempt. Thanks for doing this. It is lovely.

  53. Tried to get finished a little earlier than usual this week. This prompt actually helped me finish off a half story that's been languishing for a long time. Thanks Willow!

  54. It's been a while but I am back...Thanks Willow!

  55. Why oh why do the ideas come to me on a Sunday morning when it's almost time for the next Mag??? 'Talking' has been posted!!

  56. This entry is a bit different than those of my past. I decided to work in short story format. Hope you all enjoy.

  57. This one was hard as bricks for me....but i finally made it here.....thanks for another wonderful prompt Tess! :-)

  58. I've been off my Magpie game for awhile... this is a wonderful prompt to get me back into the swing of things! Thanks, Tess!

  59. Hi! I just found this blog a few days ago, and was inspired to write a poem, after looking at the photo in this prompt. Of course, I didn't read the posting date right -- I thought today was the day to post it -- so this morning when I went to link my entry, I realized I was too late.

    Anyway, I'll be more careful, in the future, for the sake of playing along properly. ;)

    And here's a link to my poem: even though it is too late, I know if I don't post my first attempt now, I may be too shy to join in next week.

    LINK -- Oz Lobotomy
