Saturday, February 6, 2010

Your First Magpie Prompt

The above image is your photo prompt.

1) Sign up in the Mr. Linky widget below.

2) Write a short fictional account or poem using the picture as
your inspiration. Feel free to take this photo to use for your post.

3) Post your piece on your blog Tuesday, February 16, 2010.

After the 16th, each new photo prompt will be posted on Fridays,
with your blog participation due on each successive Tuesday.

Don't forget to sign up in the Mr. Linky widget below, if you would
like to participate on the very first prompt, Tuesday, February
16th. A new Mr. Linky will be posted with each new photo prompt.

See you Tuesday the 16th. Be there or be square!

Happy writing!


  1. Not sure I have a clue how this works but I believe I've done the Mr. Linky thing. Now I must meditate on the photo prompt.

  2. Yep, you did it Vickie. You're my first customer. We're now officially cookin' with gas! Yay!

  3. Okay, way to go Mr. Cat! This is too exciting!!

  4. I hope I can keep up with this...this is some pretty esteemed company!

  5. What fun! Looking forward to musing over this photo and seeing what poem emerges...

  6. Great idea! I've been doing Theme Thursday for awhile, so a photo prompt will be a fun addition to the muse pool.

  7. Willow, did I do something wrong? I see some folks names are in blue, Viki's is in black and mine is a light gray.

    I've already finished my poem for my first post.

  8. Oh -- here is a comment after linking.

    I have a sneaky dread that I am going to be the only one to show up in blue jeans at this gala.


  9. I have embedded the poem in the picture, as I normally do for all Word of the Day illustrations. I hope this is okay with you (due provenance is given for the photo, of course).

  10. willow

    wish I had your talent with the computer -- you have all sorts of gadgets, and ideas rolled up your sleeve,,, clever girl you are...

    Now I hope I can keep up with this new blog idea, in 'grad school' so much writing as is...

    You have a good idea going on - glad I can at least participate -- hopefully what I write will be readable.
    enjoy the week end all

  11. Oooh this could be great fun! I'm in Willow ;)

  12. I left my comment in your other comment section. (Life is so complicated...) Ah well, I'll re-post it here.

    My five-year-old daughter was surprised that such an item could have a computer in it.

    "No, dear, no. That's 'pewter,' not "computer."

  13. thanks for providing this willow. it'll be cool to drop by your digital coffee house and play with words and ideas! steven

  14. Ah Willow,
    You are the breath of fresh air that will get me back to writing regularly; how could I ever disappoint my Willow? ;)

    When I started blogging, way back when, it was to 3 writing blogs: Sunday Scribblings, Poetry Thursday and One Deep Breath (a haiku blog). The two poetry blogs are now defunct.

    I look forward to a long relationship with your new adventure!

  15. Once again, thank you for being my brains..will try to bring a bit of mine along!!

  16. Madame, you NEVER cease to AMAZE me! XOXO

  17. It will be great fun to bounce around the Muse courtesy of Willow! This is getting me going...on with the show! Thanks Willow for the much needed inspiration!

  18. Wonderful idea, Willow! My muse has been rather bored lately and is looking forward to the variety and the challenge.


  19. Sounds so very cool! Of course, not expecting anything less from you.

  20. I'm in just what I need a diversion as more snow onthe way Tuesday here, just when I thought we were on the way to spring...

  21. so let me see if I get this, I am to post my tale onto my own blog?

  22. Not sure what the alchemist will do with pewter, but I'm in for the ride.

    After starting this blog, I bet you'll never look at the assorted odds and ends in your manor, attic, cellar, closets, mantel, cupboard ... in the same way. I can just imagine the enthusiasm the magpie will bring as she scavenges about to find new items to flash before her magpie taleteller friends.

  23. I love using prompts and look forward to participating in this new venture!

  24. Willow: Here is a virtual boquet of 100 red roses in honor of the grand opening of your new blog. Cheers!

  25. LLL, you are so right! This magpie is lining up lots of quirky objects for her taletellers!

  26. Thank you, Ronda! 100?! Wow! I am thrilled with the response so far. This will be great fun.

  27. Thanks for forming this virtual writing group. I've been thinking about joining an "analog" writing group again, and this may be a good motivation.

  28. "Easy reading is d*** hard writing. Nathaniel Hawthorne
    Hi! Willow,
    I'am so sad to say, but Hawthorne, took the words right out of my...mouth.
    Because I'am a reader and not a writer...Therefore, I will add Magpie to my blogroll and read along with you and your merry band of writers.
    Thanks, for sharing!
    DeeDee ;-D

  29. I'm glad I stumbled upon this link on Twitter. This is exciting. Totally in.

  30. I'm confused...
    As Pat transplanted to MN said, above:
    "So let me see if I get this, I am to post my tale onto my own blog?"

  31. Willow, I will NOT be writing for Magpie Tales but will happily come and sample some of the wares!

  32. very nice...will keep my eye on this and jump in when i can...

  33. Hey, all, I've notice Mr. Linky has been popping on and off this post at random. Hopefully the bug will be resolved on their end ASAP!

  34. Pat and Berowne, yes, you post your short piece of fiction or poem, inspired by the above photo, on your own blog, Tuesday, February 16. Since you've signed up on Mr. Linky, everyone else can visit your blog and read your piece, as well!

  35. I am facing my fears and adding my name to the list. "Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth." Pema Chodron

  36. ..or, you can battle fear by doing what I do: read the rest of the instructions AFTER you sign up! ;-P Hope I can keep up!
    Thanks, Willow for the continual inspiration.

  37. What a great idea--this will be fun!

  38. Oh, sorry Willow, I can;t do this as I already have a regularly scheduled Tuesday post, well every fortnight, for Creative Tuesdays and dnot' want to confuse contributors there in any way. I will read on with interest though. How wonderful.

  39. willow, can you fix Jen chandler's link for her please?

  40. Willow, you are a cheeky monkey (Re: your comment on my blog)!!

  41. Ok, I linked ... I think.
    Now to embarrass myself ...

  42. Okay, Jen, I fixed it. Your link is working! (I said proudly)

  43. No problem, Mr. Toast, I removed you from the list.

  44. Willow dear, I put my comment on the wrong list. Who knows what I will do next. Also I am on the link twice. The second one is my entry. I know how to do it, just take me a while sometimes. I like this idea. I watched Roan Inish yesterday and absolutely loved it. You have opened so many doors for me. blessings

  45. willow--this is wonderful!! I look forward to reading all of the tales--bext c

  46. And it's already the 16th around here so my poem is up!

  47. At spacedlaw's suggestion I have joined this undertaking. My story is available in my journal: The Radicchio diaries.

  48. Sorry I linked twice. Could you delete the second Martha. This looks like fun. Thank you for letting me play.

  49. alright, i'll be late to the ball but mine will be up around 5 pm EST.

  50. I saw your prompt mentioned on Poetikat's blog today, so I'll be happy to play. It's at the bottom of today's post.
    Chris at Enchanted Oak

  51. Hmm. My blog name on the previous comment doesn't have a link attached. I don't know how to link in a comment box, so here's my address if you're willing to copy and paste:

  52. Techno-dork here. I'm on the list under Chris and Enchanted Oak. Will you remove Chris? Sorry about that.

  53. Okay, Chris! Removed your duplicate. No problem.

  54. Giving it a whirl. Thanks for the fun!

  55. Hi Willow.
    I did it! The first short story I've ever written. I'm still terrified at what people will think. When I saw this new blog I promised myself I would go through with it no matter what. Thanks for the inspiration!

  56. hey willow, i am up but mr linky is not working on my end...heres my link...

  57. There was a little technical problem, but it's fixed now. I see you're on now Brian! Yay!

  58. ...and challenge our minds and hearts, Willow! All that visit here will no doubt be enriched and filled with fun, too!

    Thanks for this opportunity!!


  59. Willow
    I am not sure it is working for me either,, I guess I am technical challenged
    but here is my link
    oh my. . .trouble getting it to post...
    the dowsers daughter

  60. I just clicked on your link and it seems to be working fine on this end, Joanny.

  61. Just wanted to peek my head through the curtains to whisper that I did it. Late though...I didn't catch that part about before 8:00 a.m. Tuesday. Oh, and I didn't catch the part about linking until today...and it took me twenty minutes to figure that out.

    Just remember: He who finishes last still finishes...sort of.

