Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mag 41

Happy Writing, my friends!


  1. Hi Willow, I am delighted to have a chance to post my piece, perfect timing before my kids get home from school.

  2. Apologies Willow, number 5 is the correct link for my piece this week.

  3. There were many much more grim ways this could have gone. I know. That's the poet's job right. To bring up the grim. Tick, tock.

  4. Hi Willow.
    I'm finding these prompts helpful and stimulating. thank you.

  5. Because I have a clock obsession...and because story is basically all about time and clocks...I've decided to post a short extract from a novel I'm writing this week. I'll probably post something else later in the week - because I'm clock obsessed...

  6. Wow I woke up this morning and sketched this piece out. Your photo prompt was perfect for it. Thank you, thank you, thank you :)

  7. I had several false starts, gave up, started writing something else and then found it fitted - for me, anyway. I'm an 'it fits where it touches' person ;-)

  8. This one was quite perplexing at first, but ended up being very satisfying--at least to write. ;-) Thanks for the challenge.

  9. This prompt called to me and appeared on paper before I knew what was happening. Well, almost...

  10. Hello, Willow. I took a dark turn this time with a short haiku.

    Very interesting prompt. : )

  11. Haven't participated in a few weeks and I've missed it. This week's prompt fed words into me without me having to search through it too much. Thank you.

  12. great photo prompt, Willow. I'll be posting something sometime this week...

  13. So sorry ... I completely screwed things up when I attempted a second Magpie! Can you please fix?

  14. I love the image for this prompt. It stimulated an old memory about my Blue Happy.

  15. I really enjoyed this challenge. I'm amazed at all the entries so far. Another Willow winner!

  16. Happy magpie sharing everybody !
    I enjoyed writing, for this muse, and looking forward to enjoy reading.
    Thank you Willow

  17. One of these days I will not compose a Magpie the minute I see the prompt but actually take time over it. Won't be any better, I suppose, but perhaps I'll feel better about posting it.

  18. Helen, no problem. Took those second links off. :)

  19. I found this challenging. Guess I'm hooked to Magpie; I saw the prompt and scrambled to write something. Link submitted. Happy to be here again! :)

  20. Tough one for me! The photo reminds me of some old TV series, but I don't have a clue what I'm remembering!

  21. i'll be popping a piece up at midnight tonight. a tough one because it sent me down a dark path but there you go. thanks for this. steven

  22. The poem I am linking in today I wrote before this prompt but every time I looked at the prompt photo I could only think of it.

  23. Linked an older one... admittedly slightly more inspired by Willow's piece rather than the actual Magpie prompt.

    "11th hour" always reminds me of "All's fair in love and war" for some reason.

  24. This was a tough one. Really wanted to be written but I just couldn't seem to hear it until the wind began to blow here...

  25. Was wondering when you'd post a photo to match this poem, written last week..knew it would happen!! Thanks...!!

  26. A very intriguing one this week! Thans for your effort!

  27. For me, this was the toughest prompt yet, but I think my challenge was in my own writing. :)

  28. Willow...these challenges are like time travel...

  29. Thank you for yet another stimulating prompt,

  30. A great prompt as the year begins to wither away.

    My poem fits more by allusion to the prompt than as a direct response to it so I can't really claim it as a Magpie spark. I'd love to have visitors, but I'm committing a bit of a professional foul with this entry!

  31. . . and may yous all forgive my cack-handed treatment of Willow's inspiring prompt . . .

  32. Confounded! After writing ad libidum two less than mediocre poems, I arrived at something that seems to be somewhat like a Haiku?

  33. My strange take on time is only to be expected from one such as me, I suppose!

  34. Very interesting prompt. It took me somewhere unexpected.

  35. I was trying to decide if I should go somewhere and thus I wrote about deciding.

  36. Time and numerology, what a mix;
    only from the tomboy portals of
    your manor dreams can we get
    these glorious tangents, these
    intriguing and challenging prompts;
    I do enjoy your numeral postings,
    like the hang-ups on "8" and
    the lantern posts, and oddly when
    responding to another magpie
    poem, my comment became muse
    for a second poem this week.

  37. Willow I'm sorry but I can't seem to put my URL in right. I am in Texas, and I guess I've gone dumb. I can't take out what I've put in, there you go. Maybe you can help me?

  38. Tess Willow,

    Love the texture of the clock you've projected. I had started with the scratches, but moved -- internally -- to snow and interior 'snugness'.

    Always willing to tart things up into the symbolic, other images and phrases fit their way around.

    You give-a me inspiration!


  39. 'A Timeless Piece' is up and I don't mind admitting that it was hard!

  40. This one needed some Googling. Thank you for the prompt.

  41. I usually write before reading anyone else's take on a photo, but this time I cheated and read yours. Thanks for another interesting photo.

  42. Serious intrigue, but took some time, still not sure it is ready, but here it is...

  43. Willow -- Just posted by piece and must say that this was a wonderful challenge! Looking forward to the next -- Kelly

  44. you may all wonder how I saw what I did; no apologies for my mind on this one; and no I did not have way too many glasses of wine to come up with this.... I will be carefully browsing others this week to see if anyone else had such a strange thought....but I did like the way it turned out ....

  45. Annell, I just removed your two broken links, please go ahead and link again! :)

  46. Everyone seems to be pretty excited about this prompt! :)

    I'll be slowly making my rounds this weekend, so hang tight.

  47. I thought this challenge impossible when I saw the picture. It wasn't. :) You can never tell about these things. Fun.

  48. After a week off, i am back....smiles. Happy friday night everyone....

  49. Another. This weeks image really spoke through me I guess.

  50. I am here after long time. Loved doing this prompt.

  51. A belief in the possibility of being.

  52. What a picture!! So many inferences, so many possibilities..
    Thanks for this one, Willow!!
    I just linked in my poetic attempt... now I'm all set to READ!!!! :)
    Have a great week,y'all!

  53. Ok here we go again another week of great reading.

  54. Another super prompt. Thank you so much.

  55. I'm late i'm late for a very important date!!
    :-) Hope everyone has a wonderful week....thank you again Willow for another amazing prompt! :-)

  56. I'm late late also! Just got back from sunny hot Mexico and the cold here at home has kinda frozen my brain...cheers to all. I'll do my best to read everyone's posts.

  57. thanks again, Willow, for this awesome prompt -I had no chance to participate last week, but I'm back with my little grain of salt ;) Have a great Thanksgiving week!

  58. a fun prompt, thanks - good to be participating again after a couple of weeks' hiatus

  59. Hello to everyone! My first try at this!
    Thank you for letting me play along!
