Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mag 5

Happy writing, my friends!


  1. Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more.

  2. I could get no handle on last week's (though I was excited to try to participate by reading other's contributions). This week I am satisfied enough with my effort to publish it. I look forward to next week.

  3. I knew right away
    what the story would be for me.
    I post as soon as I am finished,before I begin editing and you know that could be a process that never ends....
    I read everyone's that I can locate
    but will not leave a comment if I am asked to leave my email...sorry for this..."cause I'd really like to comment. But let me say Willow..I truly enjoy reading everyone's take on the prompt. So many talented writers and thinkers..thanks for hosting this.

  4. Just so you know. Most blogs require an email to leave a comment, but it can be pseudonymous.

  5. Typepad blogs too. It's to prevent robot spamming and anonymous comments from those nasty little trolls. But completely respect your carefulness Suz.

  6. Peg - I would certainly love to read the piece to which you linked, but you have blocked access?

  7. We leave today to explore the Dutch West Indies, sans computer. So I regret (not that much) That I'll be absent from your your ranks for at least one submission. Will catch up on my return.
    Tata all

  8. i guess i'm the only one so far who is going to struggle with this one too. it's an interesting picture...i wonder where the words will lead me?

    smiles to all,

  9. Suz, you're so welcome. I am thoroughly enjoying this experience, as well. So much incredible talent out there!

  10. Jessie, you're not going to be the only one who is going to struggle. My mind is a complete blank.
    What's that hand made of, anyway? Wood?

  11. Willow, sent you an email about Jane Roberts. Hope you got it...


    I will be with my dad most of the week ...inspiration came to I posted.

    Can't wait to read everyone's work :)

  13. Rob, and others - I've never tried writing before, and want to get some feedback from a couple of very trusted people before I'll be ready to share with the world at large. Maybe I should just not link, so as not to frustrate anybody.

  14. I'm stumped!! Calling my that cheating?

  15. Lyn, I'm stumped, too, and my muse isn't picking up the phone! (you'd think, since it's my picture, that I would get some kinda special inspiration...but, no-o-o-o)

  16. My first link (under 21) is erroneous (going to a One Single Impression Prompt instead of the general page). Can this be corrected, Willow?
    I noticed that last week most people got sent to another post than intended as well (Mr. Linky just takes the last link inserted regardless of the blog...)

  17. Okay, Nathalie, I removed your #21 link! :)

  18. I am new to this site, I just found it a couple of weeks ago, but love the idea. I wanted to do this one, so here it goes.

    My post is up over at Ruminations of a Small Town Mountain Boy. I hope it's not too long.

  19. Been having a discussion about belief and faith at another blog and though we've been reduced to acknowledging a difference in semantics, this little poem popped into my head the moment I saw the photo.

  20. One of the fascinating aspects of an activity like this is not so much the different takes, but the ones that have striking resemblances.

  21. It's a lovely photo but I'm afraid my submission is less so. But, in the vernacular of the day - whatever!

  22. I have posted. This week a combination post for magpie tales and TFE's poetry bus.

  23. looked but forgot to link so here goes; ready or not! The weather is great at 60+ degrees and sunshine so it is spring at last! And I feel like outside games....

  24. This was so much fun!

    Not the best poem I have ever written...but it was fun!

    Thanks to WaystationOne for showing the way!

  25. I'm running a little late today, but mine is finally done!

  26. willow--great prompt! unfortunately time was not my friend and I was unable to post--so I will spend my time in the next few days reading the wonderful posts your wonderful site has wrought!
